You can press the make-up sponge down onto a tissue to remove any excess moisture. Take the make-up sponge between the fingertips and squeeze it together to create a round surface. With this surface the make-up can be applied.

You can press the make-up sponge down onto a tissue to remove any excess moisture. Take the make-up sponge between the fingertips and squeeze it together to create a round surface. With this surface the make-up can be applied.
Advice: white Cake Make-up is transparent and therefore never completely covers up. If you want to have a covering effect (for example with a zebra or a clown), then you need to apply a layer of white Water Make-up (Pure) on top of the Cake Make-up.
Advice: when you apply a Cake base with two colours, first apply the area of light colour and then the area of dark colour.

Grimas Water Make-up (Pure) is an unperfumed, gluten-free water-based make-up, intended for face-painting and body-painting.
Pure means that the product in question does not contain any chemical preservatives (such as parabens) or halogenated organic compounds.
Water Make-up works just like watercolour paint. The best way to apply Grimas Water Make-up (Pure) and Water Make-up Pearl Pure is to use a brush. Use the brush and a little water to soften the make-up and make it a bit pasty. Test the colour intensity on the hand. Don't work too dry, but do not use too much water.
Grimas Water Make-Up (Pure) can be used around the eyes, but children often do not like it when brushes are so close to the eyes. So decide yourself how far you want to extend the colour.