Squeeze a little foundation out of the tube onto a clean spatula. Work from the spatula using a clean, dry latex sponge or a slightly moist make-up sponge, applying the foundation to the skin in a thin layer.
Work the base out properly, up into the hairline, and do not forget the ears and neck. This is how you avoid a mask-like effect.
Make-up Powder can be applied with a Grimas Velour Powder Puff, a Powder Puff or a Powder Rouge Brush. Gently tap the puff or brush on the back of the hand and then apply lightly on top of the make-up.
Allow to settle in and remove the excess powder with a Powder-Rouge Brush.
Take the required colour of eye shadow out using a brush or applicator. Then you run the eye shadow over your hand to test the colour intensity. In principle, you apply a light-coloured eye shadow to the upper eyelid, a dark colour in the eye fold and a light colour to the eyebrow arch.
Apply the light colour first using the applicator and touch up with a latex sponge. Dark colours (for example in the fold of the upper eyelid) you apply with a brush.
You can make an eyeliner with Grimas Eyeshadow/Rouge and a little Cleansing Lotion.